Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow...
"I'm vining you vining your selfie."
While I wouldn't consider "The Pawnee-Eagleton Tip off Classic" (an unusually lengthy title for a Parks episode) to be a stand out in the pantheon of Parks, Ron's quest to remove all traces of himself from "the grid," after receiving a Pennysaver from a "cowardly, black-hearted" mailman was freakin' aces! Not to be outdone by the fact that both Tom and Donna are completely addicted to all forms of social media and wind up, in the end, repulsed by the ancient Nokia brick phone (and cell phone clip belt) that Ron accepts into his life as a compromise.
"The world is a nightmare," Ron exhaled, after his attempt to erase photos of himself off the web (telling the screen "erase," wiping it with his sleeve) turned into a sort of Vineception hellscape, egged on by Donna and Tom who couldn't resist recording Ron accidentally recording himself. And then further recording themselves recording it. Sure, Ron seemed a bit cartoonish here, but without Andy around for a while some of the lunacy dials might have to be turned up on the other characters.
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